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Contact Us

We are the Wotja devs (About Us).

Any initial contact for anything must be via this form. Why? We simply get too much spam and so don't read direct emails - we just delete them! If it is not about support then see also our Social Media accounts, e.g.

Please refer to our Support Policy before you reach out and, whether you are a customer or not, please DO report bugs. Thank you!

Tip for marketers: It's extremely rare that we respond to *any* marketing outreach.

Windows users: Love 'Wotja: Live Generative Music'? Then please nominate it in the 2024 Microsoft Store Awards before Sept 15th! Nomination form. Thank you so much!!! Tim and Pete

Contact Form

Form not working?

If you get an error message, check that all fields completed correctly.

No reply to something important?

If you saw the notification to say that your message was sent and you feel you've not received a reply in a reasonable time (e.g. after say 3-4 working days), it could be:

  1. We have still not yet been able to reply
  2. You've not provided a working email address
  3. Our reply to you has bounced
  4. Your mailbox is full
  5. Our reply is in your spam folder etc.
  6. Our contact form is not working (see below)

Because all of the above can happen (i.e. double check the email address you've provided etc. and be aware we've seen #3 above happen even if you are already in touch with us via email), we strongly suggest you also provide us an alternative email address, but that is up to you.

If your message was sent successfully and you had expected a reply but have still not heard from us, then please either let us know via our Social Media accounts (see footer for links), or advise us of an alternative working email address. Once we have seen your message we can investigate where the issue lies.

Contact us by email

If the contact form is not working for you then as a last resort please . Ensure you ALSO provide a working alternative email address (see #2-4 above).