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This page provides a quick overview of Wotja and links to some useful Help Resources.

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Wotja icon Welcome to Wotja!

Wotja is a powerful & FREE system for on-device generation of Live Generative Music & MIDI.

Use it to easily create & play ambient music soundscapes, relaxing music drones, text to music melodies & arps, experimental & adaptive music and so much more.

It's default Lite mode is FREE to use. Or, Go Pro to do the max.

Wotja is actively developed, delivers great results and can even be used by Game & App Developers.

Wotja icon Wotja Tutorials

Our online Tutorials are short, focused and easy. Updated. NEW See also Quick Start.

Wotja icon Wotja User Guide

Sections: Wotja icon | Wotja WME iconWME | Wotja WAE iconWAE | Wotja WSE iconWSE

Our comprehensive User Guide (reference manual) will quickly help you get to grips with the workings of Wotja - should you want to know!

View it In-App [default] or Online, depending on the status of Settings: General > "Help: In-App (uncheck for Online Help)" [default: checked].

Tip: To see it in your own language view it Online and follow the instructions for the relevant web browser linked to in the Translate page.

User Guide button (some screens):

    • Displays the appropriate section of the User Guide.

Actions menu (most screens):

  • Help - User Guide
    • Displays the appropriate section of the User Guide.

Wotja icon How does Wotja work?

It is way easier to use Wotja than it is to describe how it works - and you can get going in seconds.

A good analogue is to consider how easy it is to drive a car vs having to know in great detail how every bit of a car works - before you can drive it!

That said, the 'magic' in Wotja largely results from how we use 'chance' and randomization in/with its powerful engines (music, audio & script) and 100s of included editable templates - and you can create/use your own, too.

That magic is a consequence of 30+ years of continuous improvement & extension (meaning our craft, passion and blood, sweat & tears!).

Here goes...

Note: For a hyperlinked version of what follows, see also How Does Wotja Work? in the In-App Guide (which can be accessed from most Actions menu buttons).

  • At the core of Wotja are 4 main types of user-editable files:
    • Wotja Template File ("Template"; filetype: .wotja_tp);
    • Wotja Schema File ("Schema"; filetype: .wotja_sc);
    • Wotja Mix File ("Mix"; filetype: .wotja);
    • Wotja Album File ("Album"; filetype: .wotja_al).
  • Wotja Template File:
    • User editable Wotja Templates are used to populate Cells in Mix Files, and auto-population of Cells can be achieved through use of Schemas (below).
    • Each Wotja Template comprises a Generator Network of one or more Generators that generate MIDI notes/controller events, the Generators being any of those included in the Wotja Music Engine (WME).
      • Each Generator creates MIDI notes and events according to its Generator Type, the settings of the Rule Objects it uses (e.g. Scale, Harmony, Rhythm and Next Note), as well as other related parameters like Phrasing, Chording and Articulation etc.
    • Each Wotja Template includes a Wotja Audio Engine (WAE) Synth & FX Network for each Generator, this being used to generate audio from that Generator's MIDI notes/events (use of the WAE is optional, and it can be turned off).
      • You can instead if you wish use 3rd Party Hosted Plug-ins or send the MIDI to a 3rd Party DAW/Synth for use by that.
    • Many Wotja Templates are built-in to Wotja, but they can also be exported from a Cell.
  • Wotja Schema File:
    • Each Wotja Schema comprises all settings necessary to create a Wotja Mix file or a 'Flow' (a sequence of auto-generated mix files generated in the Flow Player) from a random selection of selected Wotja Templates, selected Sound Presets and selected FX Presets.
    • There are many built-in to Wotja, but they can be added/duplicated and edited in the Schema Editor (Pro mode only).
  • Wotja Mix File:
    • These are the editable files that generate music and they can be manually populated or populated from Schemas.
    • Each Mix File comprises Cells which are arranged in grid of 4 columns and 12 Tracks (i.e. 48 Cells in total).
      • Each Cell can have a Template added to or merged into it, OR have links to a WAV or MIDI file in a Pak.
        • WAE Wavetable Units in Templates can also refer to external SF2 files.
        • Any such SF2 and Paks must be located in the Wotja Folder.
    • Various mix-related settings such as Cell Properties and Mix Properties.


  • WAE FX can also be applied directly as Generator FX, Cell FX, Track FX or even as Mix FX.
  • In any Track only one Cell can play at a time.
  • When a Mix File is saved ALL Template settings/edits are saved to the Mix file.